Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Error message "String or binary data would be truncated"

It is Msg 8152, and it's usually followed by "The statement has been terminated" message. It's actually very easy, still, I learned to get scared of it after, like, 5-th (10-th?) time I had it.
What happened. Nothing really bad: you just tried to populate a field with a string longer than the field's designed length. It's good to know: maybe you'd reconsider such an update.
Workaround. It you, however, want to stick a long string into a short field, just issues a statement: SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF. You'll be able to commit updates without further interruption: extra symbols will be silently truncated.
Additional observation. One of the web articles explaining this error had a comment: "Profiler is handy in troubleshooting this error. " Never had a change to find out what this means... (feels like it's worth trying)

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